Tuesday 29 May 2012

My god this sucks!

So we have finally finished our studies! But were not sure if we have passed! I just finished what could be the worst ever exam I have sat! I will be suprised if I get 5 marks let alone 40. Feel crap! Back at work.... Crap! And fitness level... Crap! Hate life!

Wednesday 16 May 2012

I Hate My Blood Family

They are so shit!  Well all bar my nan! Having watched my sister in laws birthday! Its hard to imagine how dis functional my family really is.  I have to fight with them to even get a phone call. My dad is a drunk waste of space! My brother lives just the other side of Leeds and we never get to see each other. My other half brother has not even tried to speak to me in like 3 years unless I try to make contact first. As for my sister she does not have time to talk to me and always lies to me! I give up!!!!

Thursday 3 May 2012

My god I wish I was 5 again!

My week is almost over and I really dont want it to end! My cat got hit by a car last saturday and unless she can regain control of her bladder she is gunna have to be put down. :( pleased to say I still have my kitty kat!!! For now she is healing well. My bank holiday weekend had been amazing!! All be it I have to say that I spent most of my time playing on my ipad. But between food the cat and gabby my AMAZING girlfriend I have had a great time! It sucks to be heading back to work tomoz but roll on the end of the month and the end to university!