Friday 23 March 2012

Looooong Daaaay!!!

My Lord what a day. I don't remember how long it has ever taken to complete a full days work! Loads of phones to wipe. Then franchisees turned up and took 5 hours to leave! It has been one of those days. Were busy it is not but you still don't get anything done!

Saturday 10 March 2012


I really can not be bothered today! Shit start to the day. Folowed by childish squabling! Imature attitudez! And stupid fucking customers! Argghhh! Then just to add insult to injury some chick robs 60 quids worth off stock. On a plus side..... I have a conditional offer from Middlesex university! And I am sooooo overly excited about it that I bounced to the train station! Back to the zhit and I have another bloody night with the inlaws.... O the joy!.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Middlesex interview day!!!!!

My lord what a start!

Burnt a whole in my only clean pair of trousers! Found some delightfully creased ones in the bathroom that wouldn't un crease so I ended up at Asda at 4.30 buying new ones! Then spent 5 hours on a coach.... Not bad really considdering I slept and watch the a team. Then got given the run around by the tube trains four changes god knows how many stops later I landed at Aaron's grove... We're a lovely bus driver gave me a free ride to middlesex's interview three hours of sitting around and a 30 minute interview later and I was set back on my way another free bus ride to the tube and a quick hop to kings cross for my change onto the Victoria line I made it to the mcdonalds I started at and chilled out abit before getting this delightful coach home! Sooo end of that well that's when I get home!!!

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Day before my interview!!

So I have been working hard! Work this morning... Managed to get a cheeky two hours off to sort out my tickets! Get a hair cut.... And relax and eat food.  Going to be a busy day tomorrow.... Sorry no posts camera on phone is F**KED...

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Thank God Thats Over

My lord what a crap day at work! Thank god that is over and done with! This company I work for is crap! I spend all day working my ass off and then get screwed left right and centre!!!! Fuck it unibthis eve and then time to relax!!!

Way to go boss man!!

Fucking what a day. Woke up late to find a sneavling boss on the train. And then I had to rearrange a window and open with two people and a sick boss!!! For him to go through the staff box and try to.make me pay amazon price for a dvd at 4.99 argggghhh way to go dude!!! Fuck it!

Monday 5 March 2012

My Aims

So my biggest aim is to get into university! This year I have undergone an exciting way back into the world of education.... This being said it is one hell of a roller coaster and I am clinging on for dear life!!! The course I am taking part in is a 12 month fast track to university level education allowing me to move on to study nursing as a career path way!


So as I have spent an hour doing this I thought I best post something! So lets start with my phone has died!!! Stupid camera doesn't want to work Argggghhhhh!!! Gutted! :(