Thursday 8 March 2012

Middlesex interview day!!!!!

My lord what a start!

Burnt a whole in my only clean pair of trousers! Found some delightfully creased ones in the bathroom that wouldn't un crease so I ended up at Asda at 4.30 buying new ones! Then spent 5 hours on a coach.... Not bad really considdering I slept and watch the a team. Then got given the run around by the tube trains four changes god knows how many stops later I landed at Aaron's grove... We're a lovely bus driver gave me a free ride to middlesex's interview three hours of sitting around and a 30 minute interview later and I was set back on my way another free bus ride to the tube and a quick hop to kings cross for my change onto the Victoria line I made it to the mcdonalds I started at and chilled out abit before getting this delightful coach home! Sooo end of that well that's when I get home!!!

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