Friday 13 April 2012


The most stupid person in the world!!! Somewhere on my forehead I am positive it is stamped in nice shiny writing M.U.G. I feel like murdering some one I am that annoyed right now!!!! After three years service for my partners family shop. The one that I pretty much run for them... My boss told me a couple of weeks ago the only way I can have a box set I put to one side was if I paid the price on Amazon for it.... And then today I spot something we were going to put on the Amazon site to sell a member of staff has put to one side and further more.... She is getting it at the price in the shop..... I'm his fucking assistant manager..... The worst part is I just have to suck it up and deal with it because if I complain I just get shit on from a great height.... I don't feel like my family care and as for her family they piss me off so much sometimes it just grinds my gears!!!! Anyhow I suppose 3 and a half moths to go.... THEN LONDON!!! BABY!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!

My food dicipline

This food disipline stuff is hard deffo gunna go for a run this eve nice jog to relax and the n crack on with some more reading for my assignment!!!

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Gosh I don't mean to keep....

Moaning but.... First day back at work after easter and I am opening up alone(shock horror). Have a scan over the email.... Decide i'm going to do the amazon... Get half way down email notification from the boss... Martyn you need to change window.... So I change plan I will start taking down the POS stuff and then the SHOP ASSISTANTS can take over.... Shop assistant turns up I still have my jacket on and have been working since 8am casually strolls in at 830am and avoids everything to do with shop floor.... So she is doing amazon and I am doing the hard work surprise surprise.... Fucking hate work!!!!

Monday 9 April 2012

End Of The Weekend

Am gutted that this easter weekend is over! Really have enjoyed it with my beautiful girlfriend and now to focus on getting fit!!!!

Sunday 8 April 2012

Easter Weekend

Soooo.... For once I have had an amazing start to my easyer weekend well if you exclude work! I have been out to frankie and benni's for tea and then we came home and the misses put on assasins creed so I have played on my ipad all day!!! And I still have a day to go!

Saturday 7 April 2012

My god I'm....

So sick of feeling down, I have 5 months of work to go then I escape... FOR GOOD!!! But in the mean time I have 2 months of uni and a total of 7000 words to write with no motivation what so ever. On top of that my eyes are heavy, my head hurts and I feel like death 90% of the time.... Sigh!

Wednesday 4 April 2012

My god what a day...

Today has to be the wierdest day ever!!! Period. I woke up this morning to snow and a white sceneray then this afternoon it pissed it down and now its sunny! I mean really wtf weather. Workbhas been shit... Quite not many people in then busy then quite!!!

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Eat healthy

First day of my eat healthy! And its kale and mushroom curry time!

Sunday 1 April 2012


Well I am pleased to say I have finally got my phone back and hey presto I found an app for blogger win!!!